Pamphlets coaching employees on gender pronouns are being spread throughout Goldman Sachs – and some bankers are astounded by the hypocrisy.
Goldman Sachs faces accusations from thousands of woman about rampant sexism at the firm which it has worked intensely to keep quiet.
On June 5th, it will go on trial in the Southern District of New York brought by 1,400 women who allege discrimination when it comes to promotions and pay.
But in an attempt to portray itself as progressive – or woke – the firm has embraced informational pamphlets with guides on gender neutral pronoun usage.
The pamphlet introduces typical pronouns like “she/her/hers/herself” and “he/him/his/himself” but mixes in the gender-neutral “they/them/their/themself” and set of gender neutral pronouns that have gained popularity in recent years: “ze/zir (zem) / zirs (zes) / zirself (zemself).”
For confused employees, the pamphlet provides examples: “Ze went to the store. I spoke with zir / zem. The apple was zirs / zes.”
“Proactively share your pronouns to foster a sense of respect and awareness (e.g., “Hi, I’m Karen! My pronouns are she/hers. Welcome to the team!”),” the pamphlet guides employees.
“Replace gendered language with gender-inclusive language wherever possible in every day conversation (e.g., “Hi All,” v. “Hi guys.”).
The pamphlet also encourages employees to “practice using gender-neutral pronouns on your own time. Feeling comfortable with these terms does not happen immediately and can require concerted effort.”

Although the pamphlets have been circulated since 2019, they’ve drawn renewed scrutiny in light of currently political events.
“I think Goldman has a lot of other problems to worry about besides pronouns,” one source who spoke on the condition of anonymity told The New York Post. “Perhaps start by getting rid of … those who harass women and then maybe the women here will take their diversity and inclusivity issues seriously.”
A Goldman Sachs rep lauded the company’s inclusiveness and also refuted its reportedly bad rapport with women.
“Goldman Sachs has a long and strong record of promoting and advancing women at all levels of the bank,” a rep said.
What pure tripe! Glad my working days are behind me😉
This garbage is incredibly evil, dangerous and stupid. I’m so sick of it I could spit blood.
You know all this garbage is just that. Born males of the specie and born females of the specie still have a completely different bone structure and muscle structure than human beings who “decide” what sex they wish to be. Hormones don’t change your bone structure and don’t give one a Uterus with which to give birth.
Only a “born female of the species”, can actually give birth to the specie as their hips alone are made expressly for that purpose. A male of the species cannot do that no matter how many hormones or surgeries he has. He will not be able to give birth.
Any Doctor or nurse in the medical community can clarify these facts. Even though the medical community are even now being forced to use these pronouns full-well Knowing this entire program is only a way to make a confused person “feel better” about oneself”!
It is NOT my job to give YOU self-confidence! That’s YOUR job to learn for yourself!!
I can only be respectful to you. That’s the most I can do. You have to work out your own problems of confusion with the help of experts. The same as the rest of us. We all have to learn, or at least try to learn how to be as healthy as we can. Or, get professional help to do it.
I would walk it over to the nearest shredder. And that would be THAT. 🙄💩
Burn the form Now
Trash them
Where can I get one?! I’m older, and have seen a LOT of crap, but THIS…. If we all REACT to this, BLM, etc, etc, they become real things, right? If an American were to compare his/her/ze’s/whatever to the life of an old lady living in Gaza or Zaire, or Juarez, our “plight” is truly laughable. (Chicongo is another story, but…) This whole universe belongs to God. We’re renters. We’ll all “move out” in a few years. We know very little of hardship. But this “trans-whatever” is PITIFUL. So many 24-year-old teenagers! I can’t help blame the God-less-ness of PARENTS. Had they done their JOBS, bringing up GODLY children, VIRTUOUS children, do you think we’d be in this mess? It’s parents’ responsibility to prepare their children for their life HERE, and HEREAFTER.